You're in the right place...

To do your best creative work with the clients you want to work with.

To run your business with focus and confidence every single day.

Let's talk today.

Feeling challenged?

It is not easy doing what you do, the way you want to do it.

There are so many 'things' that come with running a creative business it can be overwhelming and frustrating. You've seen other people doing it and know that it is the path for you, too. But for you something's not clicking into place.

Whether you:

  • Feel like you don't know which way to turn,
  • Have all the ideas but can't clear the fog to make them real, or
  • Are stuck in a cycle of doing work that doesn't light you up

Working with me one-on-one is the starting point you need to jump into easy, effective action.

I can’t say enough great things about Tom! He worked with me for a year as I changed career to UX/UI design. Every session he gave me thought-provoking questions, confidence-boosting tips, and a kind-natured human to guide me through a tough career transition.

Haley McKay, Freelance Product Designer

What do you get?

Coaching with me is the start of what I call 'You Strategy'.

The first thing we'll do is have 20 minutes together - there's no charge for that - to talk, explore where you are right now, and feel out if we're a good fit. Yes; it's sales call. No; I won't be selling you into something which isn't a good fit for you (or me). The fit's gotta be good.

We spend time together - one on one - to understand what's motivating you; where you really want to go; and what you want when you get there. It's your space to reframe your challenges and design meaningful actions that will be both impactful and really, really easy to take.

To begin we have 'Session Zero' - a 30-minute call to learn about your challenges, goal, and expectations for coaching with me. After that we have two, 60-minute (1hr) calls each month and I am your accountability partner in-between.

The investment for you and your business starts at £395 for a single month's coaching.

Here's how the first month might look...

Session 1

In our first session we 'get it all on the table'.

You'll bring a challenge and we'll have a proper conversation about it: asking questions, digging deep to understand why it's a challenge, what's motivating you to move past it, and what your goal looks like.

This is not just a chat, however. We're here for action! At the end of our first session you'll be ready to take your next easy, effective action.

In-between our calls I'll be available to you on WhatsApp (or Telegram messenger) and email to check in, ask questions, and cheerlead from the sideline.

Session 2

In our second session we will dig deeper.

We'll look at how you've progressed towards the goal you set out at the beginning of our time together; we'll talk about what comes next for you; we'll collaborate on designing really effective actions that you will take, building your 'You Strategy'.

Once we're wrapped you will have a document of our time: the challenges we've work on together, your goals, and - most importantly - the actions you are going to take to get you to where you want to be.

Ready to set yourself up for success in your creative biz?

Let's talk today.

How It Works.

As a coach - and as a fellow human being! - I want nothing more than to see you succeed. It's because of this that I don't have 'a programme' through which I will guide you. Who am I to set your agenda?

What I do have is over 15 years of hands' on experience in the world of creative work; 10 years of freelancing; and a whole lot more besides. As both a jobbing creative and an ICF-trained coach I have a broad, deep toolbox with resource to help us move through our conversations and see you on the path to achieving what is right for you.

I'll ask questions to help you; to challenge you; to support you. When we begin together I hold a safe, productive space on your wavelength so you can talk, think, and play with ideas freely.

I will help you find the right challenge to solve, not tell you what 'right' is.

What you need and deserve as an awesome creative out there doing things your way is support; confidence; and the skills to show up as you are every day.

That's what we build together.

Ready to make positive changes in your business?

I'm ready! Let's go!

What My Clients Say.

Tom's helped me massively with the million thoughts rushing around my head. He always knew the question to ask to make me stop and think. There was no judgement, no pushing of agenda, just a calm yet serious space to solve problems. He helped during my rebranding process but I found each session so helpful that we shall continue to work together into the future!

Ben, Anico Studio
As I was starting my creative business, Tom coached me through several relationships with challenging clients that I didn’t quite know how to handle on my own. Whenever I needed to talk through what to do next Tom was my sparring partner, even outside of our coaching sessions. If you’re at the beginning of your creative freelance journey or just wanting someone to support you in figuring out your next steps, I can recommend Tom as a thoughtful, caring, and genuine coach who wants nothing more than to see you shine!

Lily Higgins, Independent Learning Experience Designer

Do you want to make big moves and positive changes in your creative biz?

Your initial £395 investment in your business will give you access to a champion & cheerleader to help you build resilience, grow in confidence, and remove the fear of 'getting it wrong' as you forge your own path PLUS...


Two 60-minute 1:1 coaching sessions tailored to your needs and goals.

We'll schedule the sessions approx. two weeks apart to you have time to get stuff done!


Accountability check-ins between sessions; we can use WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, or the ol' classic email!


Your personal 'You Strategy' one-pager detailing our conversations, your goals, challenge, and the actions you can take to get you to where you want to be.

Take control of your creative business.

Yes, please! Let's talk


You might have a bunch of questions about working with me, this package, or coaching in general. Here are a few questions I've been asked a fair few times over the years which might take something off your list!

What kind of creatives do you work with?

I work with creative individuals from all disciplines and walks of life. Designers; animators; marketers; content creators; developers; project managers … Chefs! Actors! (OK, the last two are aspirational but you get the idea). These individuals are using their skills and time as the core service of their business.

How long do I have to have been working for myself?

I work with self-employed folks from all walks of life, who've been doing their thing for ... one month, one year, two years, five years, ten years. Maybe you're not even 'in' the self-employed world yet; that doesn't mean that we can't talk and see what you might need to help you make your next move.

Should we work together if I don't know my own solution?

Stepping into the coaching relationship means you don’t need the answers or even the questions!

The space you enter is guided by your coach and lets you explore and understand what's in your head right now; play, safely, with ideas to get you off the starting block; and feel confident that you can achieve what you want if  you focus on getting started.

Do we have to have sessions three weeks apart?

We don’t have to, no. If you want to have them closer or further apart we can do it. Having at least a week in between sessions will give you time to get stuck in and taking action so bear that in mind when we talk about scheduling our second call.

If I want more than two sessions, what can we do?

Glad you asked! We can book out another month of session, or two, or three... However long you'd like to work with me. There's no 'fixed playbook' however we will talk about your goals, what you need from the sessions, and determine - together - what the next steps might be.

I'll make a recommendation; the decision-making sits with you.

Will coaching work on me?

“I’ve worked with XYZ before and we did ABC but I didn’t get what I wanted.”

This tells me a number of things things: that coach or coaching approach wasn’t right for you; the coach didn’t do enough to help you understand the space and what comes from it; you, just maybe, weren’t ready to be coached.

Remember that coaching is not magic; it’s not hypnosis; it’s not pomp, ceremony, and tablecloth-lifting to grant you divine insight from the great beyond. Coaching is a process. It’s a safe, structured space that’s there to help you. It’s a collaborative relationship. Your coach can (and hopefully will) be working with you as their number one priority.

But you, too, have to show up and be coachable; you have to be willing to explore and discover; willing to engage; and most importantly willing to follow through. To deliver, for you, on the actions.

After all: you’re a grownup. Nobody can TELL you what to do however you can get help to set you on your better path. The only person who can do it is you.

Run your business, your way, every day

Book your free call